DG9431DY switch equivalent, low-voltage single spdt analog switch.
D D D D D D D D D Low Voltage Operation (+2.7 to +5 V) Low On-Resistance - rDS(on): 20 W Fast Switching - tON : 35 ns, tOFF: 20 ns Low Leakage - ICOM(on): 200-pA max Low .
D D D D D D D Battery Operated Systems Portable Test Equipment Sample and Hold Circuits Cellular Phones Communication Sy.
The DG9431 is a single-pole/double-throw monolithic CMOS analog device designed for high performance switching of analog signals. Combining low power, high speed (tON: 35 ns, tOFF: 20 ns), low on-resistance (rDS(on): 20 W) and small physical size (TS.
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